Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Breitenstein, Dipl.-Psych.
Clinical psychologist, PhD, currently in training as a cognitive behavioral [...]
Clinical psychologist, PhD, currently in training as a cognitive behavioral [...]
Psychological psychotherapist and group psychotherapist (depth psychology-based) in private practice, [...]
Ben is a medical doctor specialized in anaesthesiology and emergency [...]
Ansgar Rougemont-Bücking is a psychiatrist, EMDR therapist, addiction specialist and [...]
Dr. Ingmar Gorman is a co-founder of Fluence, a psychedelic [...]
Dr. Nielson is a psychologist and therapist on clinical trials [...]
Dr. med. Peter Gasser, born in 1960, married, three children. [...]
I am a chemist and a neuroscientist, currently working on [...]