Results of a Phase I Trial of At-Home LSD Microdosing in Healthy Adult Males

  • 01/09/2023
  • 00:30 - 14:00
  • Foyer 2nd floor


Microdosing psychedelic drugs is an increasingly popular social phenomenon with diverse claimed benefits to mood and cognition, however randomized controlled trials have largely failed to support these claims. One possible cause of this is that the short-term laboratory-based dosing in trials to date have limited ecological validity. The MDLSD trial, conducted in 2021-2022, aimed to address this by administering 14 doses of 10 μg of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or an inactive placebo to healthy adult male volunteers (LSD n = 40, placebo n = 40) that were able to be taken in their home environments.

First doses were given under supervision, while subsequent doses were dispensed to participants on prescription. This poster will present the results of safety data, blinding, daily questionnaires, expectancy, and pre-/post-intervention psychometrics and cognitive tasks, which have recently been published, as well as covering some future planned analyses and yet unpublished results.

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