
Kadi Tulver, PhD

University of Tartu

Kadi Tulver is a postdoctoral researcher working at the intersection of natural and artificial intelligence at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu. She defended her PhD in psychology on the topic of individual differences in visual perception. Her current research focus revolves around how insights, also known as aha-moments, emerge within natural intelligence. By exploring the connections between insights as they occur in the context of psychedelic experiences and delusion formation, in addition to the more commonly researched problem-solving field, she seeks to shed light on the potential impact of aha-moments on mental health and well-being. Specifically, it is important to understand how these moments of sudden realization contribute to the formation and restructuring of impactful core beliefs, and under which conditions they emerge, to develop a more comprehensive understanding of this seemingly core mechanism of human cognition.

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