Sprout: A Psychedelic Productivity Revolution

  • 01/09/2023
  • 19:30 - 21:30
  • Auditorium


In 2031, Silicon Valley is thriving like never before. Micro-dosing psychedelic substances to propel one’s career has become the norm to many ambitious employees. The micro-dosers find themselves operating on a superior level, surpassing their peers in productivity and innovation. Their companies reap the rewards, experiencing unprecedented profits and gaining a stellar reputation. The competition intensifies between employees who micro-dose and those who remain skeptical, contemplating whether to conform or risk being left behind. The allure of career advancement tempts many and the trend gains momentum. Thus, Sprout -a start-up- comes into existence, igniting a psychedelic productivity revolution. The start-up creates edible psilocybin commodities, designed to be consumed by employees to boost their performance. It capitalizes on the sale of these products to companies in Silicon Valley, fuelling the cycle of profit-driven success. As bosses begin to witness the flourishing of their companies, Sprout’s products eventually become as common as coffee in the office. Sprout is a critical speculative design project that highlights the perils of hyper-productivity. It delves into the complexities of innovation, toxic competition and the pressure to keep up. It critiques the paradoxical situation where psychedelics, once used to challenge systems, have now become assimilated into the very system they sought to dismantle. Through its exploration of the intersection between capitalism, hyper-productivity, and the commodification of psychedelics, Sprout encourages the audience to question the fine line between personal enhancement and sacrificing one’s self in the relentless pursuit of professional growth

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