Panel I: New Paradigm or Co-existence? The Potential of Psychedelics in Mental Health

  • 09/09/2021
  • 20:20 - 21:00
  • Auditorium


There are radical claims in public discourse and parts of the scientific literature that psychedelic therapies could “transform and revolutionize” psychiatry and mental health care. What is the real potential of psychedelic therapy? Where is a “revolution” necessary and would “evolution” be a better way of optimizing mental health care? Which social forces and institutions should best be driving the enculturation of psychedelics into mental health care? What about the idea that psychedelic experience can have a transformative potential for sociocultural development? Do we really see a paradigmatic change or are we moving towards co-existence of current treatment regimens and psychedelic therapies? 
Moderation and speakers in this panel could be changed until the last minute. 

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