Building an Eco-system for Psychedelic Practices: Networking in the MIND Community

  • 31/08/2023
  • 13:00 - 16:00
  • Rudolf Virchow Room (Langenbeck-Virchow Haus) 2nd floor



Thursday 31 August, 13:00-16:00

Location: Rudolf Virchow  Room  (Langenbeck-Virchow Haus)



Interest groups related to psychedelic practices – clinical or non-medical – are remarkably diverse. Just as various ecosystems flourish when the power is returned to local actors, MIND envisions a transformation for local groups to become the seeds of change. In the climate of a pandemic and emerging public interest in psychedelic topics, the MIND Community has been home to a range of networks organized in a centralized and highly structured way remotely by MIND. Now the time is right for a turning point.

In this workshop, we embark on a journey inspired by the concept of rewilding, where the power is handed back to local groups, like fertile soil eager to sprout new life. Here, we introduce the network format of localMIND, to nurture the co-creation of ethical and sustainable psychedelic practices at both local and international scales.

As participants in this participatory workshop, you will glean insights into the roots of today’s MIND Community, unearthing the stories that bind us and connect with others in this field. In the main part, we will cultivate the growth of a global, organic community, where each local group contributes to the shaping of psychedelic practices worldwide. Help us bring ethics, values, and sustainability into psychedelic practices here and worldwide.

Who is this for:

  • Conference attendees that
    • want to understand and become active in the MIND Community
    • want to build their own community in connection to the MIND vision and values
    • want to support the MIND mission in their location

Ticket price: 0€

Max. Attendees: 50


Workshop Program (13:00– 16:00)


13:00 – 13:10
Welcome and Introduction: Goal Setting

13:10- 13:30
Mira Czutka |Sociometric Activities

13:30- 13:50
Marvin Däumichen | Part I: Introduction & Reflection

13:50- 14:35
Mira Czutka | Part II Phase I: Self-reflection

Break-Out Discussion: How do I relate to the MIND values? How would I apply them? What are my interests and networking goals?

Plenary discussion of results

14:35- 15:10
Mira Czutka & Marvin Däumichen | Part II Phase II: From Awareness to Action

Break-Out Discussion supported by Speakers from MIND Mental Health Section, Philosophy Section, Neuroscience Section, uniMIND Coordinator, Mira Czutka & Marvin Däumichen

Plenary discussion of results

15:10- 15:55
Marvin Däumichen & Mira Czutka |Plenary Discussion on the development of localMIND

15:55 – 16:00
Closing Remarks


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