Navigating Toward Different Environments for Survival

  • 01/09/2023
  • 19:30 - 21:30
  • Auditorium


For the INSIGHT 2023 meeting, We would present an installation consisting of three entirely new abstract pieces, handmade in mixed media, inspired by research done in psychedelics. Using the art as a template, I will create a unique hand-drawn clothing garment in collaboration with the fashion designer Bojana Draca (Farrah Floyd) inspired by crystal structures of receptors in which psychedelic substances bind. Finally, I will create a couple of 3D-printed sculptures that will be inspired by the same theme, which additionally will be wearable. The goal is to invite the audience to interact with the pieces and to trigger ideas about finding new and creative ways of using art and fashion, to communicate complex concepts of science to a broader audience with possible applications not only for entertainment but also for therapeutic purposes.

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