IQ+EQ=CQ: Democratizing Conscious Leadership at Scale

  • 02/09/2023
  • 11:00 - 12:30
  • Rudolf-Virchow Room


We have all the technology and resources needed to solve the world’s most complex challenges. Why is it that humans have not been able to bring the necessary solutions to our planet, our children, and our future? Allow us a technical reference: The problem sits at the heart of our IQ-only-based, human operating system. We are still working with this outdated leadership mindset, while the collective wisdom of CQ is already within us to take us to the long-needed upgrade. With our ability to hold the spaces of trust and purpose and activate our collective wisdom. This is what we call Conversational Fluency™.

Main Learning Takeaways:

1. Why in VUCA times, expanding consciousness individually and organizationally is the solution for both the greater good and the bottom line?

2. How the creation of spaces of psychological trust and safety empowers the development of conscious leadership.

3. How to find, measure and engage the most innovative and purpose-driven members of any organization.

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