Footsteps Online Psychedelic Integration Taster Workshop

  • 31/08/2023
  • 11:00 - 13:30
  • Online (limited to 30 participants)



Date: Thursday, 31th of August
Time: 11am to 1.30pm
Format: Online (limited to 30 participants)
Price: free

Embark on a transformative journey with our “Footsteps” taster workshop, designed to provide a comprehensive and immersive preview into the intricate world of psychedelic integration. With the growing interest and realization of the importance of integration in psychedelic experiences, it’s crucial to have a structured, safe, and supportive environment to process, understand, and weave these profound moments seamlessly into one’s daily life.

During this 2.5-hour session, participants will be introduced to a curated selection of materials and exercises derived from our flagship 6-week “Footsteps” online integration workshop. Our session begins with grounding practices, ensuring all participants feel centered and present. Following this, circle sharing offers an opportunity for connection, as participants reflect upon and share their personal psychedelic experiences within the collective.

A dedicated segment on psychoeducation will shed light on the science and rationale behind psychedelic integration, enabling participants to appreciate its significance in personal and societal contexts. A dive into integration theory equips participants with the theoretical foundations necessary for effective integration.

To further enhance understanding, attendees will engage in 1 or 2 applied exercises, designed to be both thought-provoking and practically beneficial. These exercises foster experiential learning, ensuring concepts introduced are not merely understood intellectually but felt deeply. The session concludes with small group sharing, providing a more intimate space for participants to discuss, reflect, and connect.

While this taster workshop offers a comprehensive glimpse into the world of psychedelic integration, it’s just the beginning. We invite all attendees to explore our full 6-week online “Footsteps” workshop, which delves deeper into this transformative process, ensuring every profound psychedelic moment finds its rightful place in our everyday lives.

For more details and to embark on the extended journey with us, please visit


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