Dear conference attendee,

Also this year’s conference has been awarded CME (Continuing Medical Education) points. These further education system is not only relevant and applicable in the German medical and therapeutic professional context, but also internationally.

Read on for useful tips on how to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are a medical professional with based in or with license to practice in the United States, please scroll to the bottom of this page for more specific information.

What are CME points?

CME points, also known as Continuing Medical Education points, are a measure used to track and quantify the participation of medical professionals in educational activities to maintain and improve their medical knowledge and skills. These points are essential for the ongoing professional development of medical doctors and are often required for maintaining their medical licenses or certifications. CME points are recognized and used across various countries to encourage continuous learning and professional development among medical practitioners.

Can also psychotherapists use CME points?

Yes, psychotherapists can use Continuing Medical Education (CME) points to fulfill their professional development requirements in many regions, depending on the specific regulations and guidelines of their respective countries or licensing bodies.

As a conference attendee, how do I transfer the CME points earned at INSIGHT 2023 to my region or country?

Transferring CME points earned at the INSIGHT 2023 conference, which were accredited by the Medical Chamber of Berlin, to other countries typically involves a process known as “reciprocity” or “recognition” of CME credits. The specific steps and requirements for transferring CME points can vary depending on the country and its medical regulatory authorities. Here are some general steps that medical doctors and psychotherapists can follow:

  1. Obtain Documentation: Attendees will register on a CME list at every day of the conference to obtain official documentation from the conference organizers indicating the number of CME points. It is essential to keep copies of all relevant documents, including certificates, receipts, and correspondence, as proof of attendance and CME point accreditation.
  2. Check Local Regulations: Medical doctors and psychotherapists should research the specific CME requirements and regulations in their home country or the country where they intend to transfer the CME points. Different countries have different systems and criteria for recognizing international CME credits.
  3. Submit Application: If there is a formal process for CME point transfer, attendees may need to submit an application to the relevant medical authorities in their country.

Remember that the process of transferring CME points can differ significantly from one country to another. Therefore, it is crucial for attendees to consult with their national medical or psychotherapy boards and seek guidance on how to proceed with the transfer of CME points earned at the INSIGHT 2023 conference.

For medical professionals in the United States:

Physicians can self-claim and self-document AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ for participation at INSIGHT 2023 if they individually determine that it meets the requirements outlined on page 10 of the AMA PRA booklet (click here).

AMA PRA Category 2 Credit™ is self-designated and claimed by individual physicians for participation in educational activities not certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. The AMA Physician’s Recognition Award and credit system outlines this process and may be found on page 10 of the AMA PRA Booklet.